Brand platform // Brand Story // Brand Purpose // Naming // Visual Identity // Logotype // Web design
// Launch film // Templates // TV Launch Broadcast
AddVision is a pan-European network specializing in high-quality ophthalmic products, technologies, and services. The network currently consists of six companies in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, and the UK. Together they work closely with both manufacturers and the medical community, independent of any large multinational corporation, to bring life-changing innovations and a wide range of ophthalmic solutions to the market. This allows surgeons and clinics the freedom to choose what is best for them and their patients, improving outcomes for everyone.
How do you bring together six different companies that for a long time, and independently of each other, have been very successful? How do you maintain the same level of commitment, drive and strong customer relationships that contributed to that success? And how do you create a visual identity that makes everybody feel at home? These were some of the issues AddVision faced when preparing for a stronger and more elaborate offering to the European market.
The best way to create unity is to establish a common ground and get everyone to rally around a shared purpose. Through in-depth discussions and interviews with founders and other key people in all the companies, we were able to uncover joint values, motivation, and goals. This became the foundation for a shared brand story and platform. Next, we developed a visual identity based on the new brand purpose: Bringing greater vision to everyone. It was also key that the new identity would signal unity and allow the different companies to maintain their familiar local names.
Central to the visual identity is a shared symbol that appears on its own or next to AddVision and the different company names. The symbol is a simplified eye that can be animated. It represents an AddVision that is open to the world, new opportunities, and innovations with the potential of helping millions of people regain or improve sight and a new outlook on life. The brand purpose, brand story and the new identity was launched at a digital event that brought all the employees from all the companies together for the very first time.
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Client Director:
Cecilia Backenfall
+46 31 761 56 13